Alıştırma 2, To be / Am, Is, Are

''To be'' yani '' am, is, are '' ile ilgili üç aşamalı bir alıştırmamız var arkadaşlar. Soruları çözmenin, konuya ne kadar hakim olduğunuzu ölçmeniz açısından yararlı olacağını düşünüyorum. Kolay gelsin...

A)   Boşlukları '' am, is, are, am not, isn't, aren't '' ile doldurunuz. (
 Fill in the blanks using am, is, are, am not, isn't, aren't '' .)

1.    Turkey, Germany  and Greece ………… cities.
2.    A lemon ……….. yellow. It …….. sweet.
3.    Iron  ……….. cheap. Gold ………… expensive.
4.    Trains …….. slow. They ………. fast.
5.    Apple pie and cake…….. sweet.
6.    Today ……… windy. It …….. sunny.
7.    My sister ……… married. She …… single.
8.    I ……… a teacher. I …….. a student.
9.    English ……… easy. It ……….. difficult.
10.  George …………..a handsome boy. He …………cute.

B) Cümleleri ''is, isn't, am, am not '' kullanarak tekrardan yazınız. ( Rewrite the sentences by using is, isn't, am, am not ”. )

1.   Italy  aren’t a city.                                     …….Italy  isn’t a city……………..
2.   A dolphin am not a small animal.                 ……………………………………………..
3.   Toyota aren’t a motorcycle.                           …………………………………………….
4.   Is I a nurse?                                                     ………………………………………….....
5.   Mr. Smith aren’t a businessman.                  …………………………………………….
6.   The East Anatolian region am not hot.         ………………………………………….....
7.   She are from Egypt.                                       ……………………………………..............

C) Aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanarak cümleler yazınız. ( Write sentences using the data given below.)
Örnek ( Example) :
(Tom, 8, student, tall, not Italian)              
…..Tom is eight years old. He is a student. He is tall. He isn’t Italian…….. .
    1. ( My sister and I, 20, doctors, tall, British )
        2. ( Sally, 5, not student, short, not French )
          3. ( I, secretary, not fat, Indian )
            4. ( Tim, 15, tailor, short, Russian )
              5. ( Ayşe, 43, waitress, not blonde, Turkish )

            Cevaplar / Keys

                 A )   
                    1. aren’t                                                         
            2. is, isn’t
            3. is, is
            4. are, aren’t
            5. are
            6. is , isn’t
            7. is, isn’t
            8. am , am not
            9. is, isn’t
            10. is, is
            B )
             1.   A dolphin is not a small animal.
            2.   Toyota isn’t a motorcycle.   
            3.   Am I a nurse?       
            4.   Mr. Smith isn’t a businessman. 
            5.   The East Anatolian region isn’t hot.
             6.   She is from Egypt.    

            C )
            1. My sister and I are 20 years old. We are doctors. We are tall. We are British.

            2. Sally is 5 years old. She isn’t student. She is short. She isn’t French.

            . I am a secretary. I am not fat. I am Indian.

            . Andrey is 15 years old. He is a tailor. He is short. He is Russian.

            . Ayşe is 43 years old. She is a waitress. She isn’t blonde. She is Turkish.


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